Al Gore Biography

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
A Biography on Al Gore As the Vice President, and one of the main running candidates in the presidential race, Al Gore has a lot on his hands. He manages to handle a full family as well as his duties at work and running a, hopefully, successful race. His main challenge will be to convince the people of the United States that he is the best of all of the candidates. This may be somewhat …

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…a senior in college and Albert, 17, is a high school senior. The Gore family have a black Labrador dog named Shiloh, from Clarksville, Tennessee, and a mixed-breed dog named Daisy that the children found, injured and abandoned, near Center Hill Lake in Middle Tennessee. This shows the compassionate and affectionate side of this democrat. He has formed a never-ending bond with his wife and children and therefore makes him a family man. Bibliography n/a