Airplanes: How Man Conquered Flight

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Airplanes, engine-driven vehicles that fly through the air, have evolved in less than a century into one of the most important inventions in history. Every day, airplanes commute people and goods great distances. Over the last 100 years, they have been developed and perfected from simple gliders to sea planes, commercial planes, space shuttles, and military aircrafts, which have helped America win wars. But how did these aircrafts come to be, and how have they helped …

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…would not have been able to land on the moon or travel in space without this incredible invention. They have taken many lives and caused many disasters, yet without them there would be no way for people, or other objects, to travel quickly overseas or across the country. Airplanes have helped our country survive and improved our way of life; without them, the world would be more compact and move at a much slower pace.