Air Pollution

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Air Pollution Introduction Air pollution is nothing new. Ever since the discovery of fire, less-than-desirable substances have been vented into the air. One of the first air-pollution regulations dates back to the fourteenth century, when King Edward I banned the burning of sea coal in lime kilns. U.S. air-pollution regulations have their roots in British Common Law. But regardless of those efforts, air pollution continues to be a serious local and world-wide problem. Pollution …

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…it is not in use. Make your home more energy efficient through improved insulation, caulking and weather-stripping. Recycle, since it takes much less energy to create a new product using recycled materials than using raw materials. Compost kitchen scraps and yard waste, because organic waste in landfills creates gases that contribute to climate change. Plant trees around our home. It's a natural way to insulate, and trees help clean the air and slow climate change.