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Essay Database > Science & Technology
HIV/AIDS Virus Paper There our many different kinds of fatal diseases in the world. However, the AIDS virus has infected over 600,000 people in the United States since 1981, and over 900,000 people have been infected with HIV as well. Half of the people living with HIV will develope AIDS within ten years. From these statistics you can see that HIV and the AIDS virus has affected many people lives. These next few paragraphes should give you …

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…HIV infection as a result of kissing and it happened because both the people had open cuts in their mouths. In the United States the annual cost of the epidemic has approached over $17 billion, being hard on the economy. The effects of HIV/AIDS in our society has went down since the year 1990. Remember there are screening, and AIDS tests are present at clinics. The only way to know for sure is to get tested.