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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
What do you know about aids let me tell you some things about it. AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is a disease that attacks the immune system, your body's main defense against disease. AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV (or human immunodeficiency virus). First reported in 1981, HIV infection is now a worldwide epidemic, affecting 34 million. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 800,000 to 900,000 people in the United States are infected
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into months, months into weeks. The final deadly expression of the immune deficiency is often also its first manifestation. Sometimes parents hardly have time to take in the scent of the plague before their child is gone and they are left to face their own mortality. These shocks are now our daily fare. Like the steady reverberations from a pile-driver, they rattle the pillars on which, up to now, we have built our professional lives.
into months, months into weeks. The final deadly expression of the immune deficiency is often also its first manifestation. Sometimes parents hardly have time to take in the scent of the plague before their child is gone and they are left to face their own mortality. These shocks are now our daily fare. Like the steady reverberations from a pile-driver, they rattle the pillars on which, up to now, we have built our professional lives.