Aid to Dependent Corporations (Univ. of Phoenix - SOC 101)

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Aid to Dependent Corporations <Tab/>It seems people are quick to criticize the welfare system in the United States. However, there is another form of welfare that few are aware exists. This type of corporate welfare, termed "wealthfare," by Chuck Collins, the author of "Aid to Dependent Corporations," benefits corporations and the wealthy. Mr. Collins mentioned some very interesting facts with which I totally agree. His article helped me to understand …

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…extracted from the public by the wealthy and powerful" (17). Overall, Chuck Collins brings out how the big corporations and wealthy individuals receive bigger tax breaks than the average taxpayer. The public is awakened to the deliberate "anti-poor, pro-corporate bias" (17). It is up to the American people, the taxpayers footing the bill, to bring about the changes needed in our tax system. Work Cited Collins, Chuck. "Aid to Dependent Corporations." Dollars and Sense May/June 1995: 15-17.