Agricutlral machinery Greece

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Essay Database > History
The agriculture of Hellensitic Italy was transformed not only by the introduction of a large number of technical innovations, but also by a profound structural change. The last 2 centuries BC witnessed decisive steps towards the establishment of large scale estates, latifundia, which were to play an important role in the course of the empire. Even though the cultivation units remained relatively small for a long period, there was gradual transition to more extensive farming, largely …

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…drawing the Pythagorean right-angled triangle: that is, let its length be divided into five parts; let three of them denote the height of the head of the screw; thus the distance from the base of the perpendicular to the nozzle of the screw at the bottom will be equal to four of those parts. A figure showing how this ought to be has been drawn at the end of the book, right on the back.