Agressive Behavior in Cats

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Unfortunately, a certain percentage of dogs cats will display aggressive behavior toward their owners/caretakers or other humans. In the feline the aggressive mode may come upon the cat for unknown reasons. The cat will seem to be in a play mode, then the playing turns to more serious stalking, with ears held back and back arched, and often they will growl softly. You can see the fear/anger in their eyes. Or the behavior …

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…their failed attempts to pacify the pet. At the heart of the problem is the fact that the animal CAN'T HELP being who it is! It can't reason that the owners do not represent a threat or that the stimulus triggering the fear/aggression is not a real danger simply acts and responds as ordered to by a brain that was imprinted with certain directions that the animal will never be able to modify.