Agree or Disagree: Both President Kennedy and President Johnson were more successful in dealing with domestic affairs than foreign affairs

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Both President Kennedy and President Johnson were more successful in dealing with domestic affairs than foreign affairs. Kennedy focused on domestic policies such as Economic Policies and Civil Rights, while Johnson focused on domestic affairs such as the War on Poverty, Education and Health and Civil Rights. In President Kennedy's foreign policy, Kennedy had a new philosophy. He first tried to move away from Secretary of State, John Dulles's "black and white" world. Kennedy was …

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…a man that crucified himself on Vietnam. Johnson had committed the U.S. to a war that could not be won without destroying an entire society. In conclusion, both President Kennedy and President Johnson were more successful in dealing with domestic affairs than foreign affairs. Kennedy focused on domestic policies such as Economic Policies and Civil Rights, while Johnson focused on domestic affairs such as the War on Poverty, Education and Health and Civil Rights.