Aggressors of the Pequot War. Essay explores controversy over the war and argues that statue of Major John Mason should be removed, instead of glorified.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Aggressors of the Pequot War <Tab/>In 1889, the state of Connecticut raised a memorial statue of Major John Mason in a spot near where he and his comrades killed 600 Pequot men, women, and children during the Pequot War. A few years ago, the statue was moved to the Palisado Green in Windsor, Connecticut. The statue was moved because the Pequots felt that the English were the aggressors of the Pequot …

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…his men. However, the person who argues that case would only prove him or herself to be a fool, for it wasn't the Pequots who boldly struck out and killed these Englishmen, it was a small group of tribe members the Pequots ruled over. The English were in fact the aggressors of the Pequot war for they not only made the fist attack on the Pequots but they attacked the Pequots for an unfair reason.