Aggression and Communism Different terms same meaning?

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Essay Database > History
Freud believed the death instinct sometimes gets turned outward, and then we hurt and offend others and go to war (the opposite of suicide). Rochlin, another psychoanalyst, believes aggression is our way of recovering lost pride. Given the common human need to feel powerful and to think highly of ourselves, any threat to our self-esteem is taken as a hostile attack. When our pride is hurt, we often attempt to restore our status and self-esteem …

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…wanted the U.S. involvement to end. Others complained about social prejudices. The United States made the right decision in joining the war efforts of the South Vietnamese. The only mistake was that the U.S. should have done everything in its power to win the war as quickly as possible. The U.S. was obligated by the Truman Doctrine to contain communism. Truly the best way to contain it would be to defeat it.