Agent orange the chemical used in the vietnam war.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Agent Orange Just saying the name Agent Orange gets the attention of every Vietnam veteran, and I dare say most of the Australian and American public, not to mention the Vietnamese. It has been argued about, written about, researched and debated, published in magazines and newspapers, talked about on radio and television. It was the subject of documentaries, legal battles, and in Australia a Royal Commission that lasted some two years and cost 3.8 million dollars. …

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…was first identified as a contaminant in 1957, but not recognized as a major public hazard until the mid 1970's. The Agent Orange used in Vietnam was later found to be extremely contaminated with TCDD. The Agent Orange in Vietnam was contaminated in amounts from 0.05 to almost 50 parts per million, with the most common contamination being 2 parts per million (ppm). This contamination resulted in an estimated 368 pounds of dioxin sprayed over Vietnam in a six-year period.