Agent Orange- a fatal mistake

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
AGENT ORANGE- A FATAL MISTAKE The Vietnam War was a major war in American history. It was a totally different war, with new tactics and technology. One example of this was the use of a chemical substance with the code name of Agent Orange, named after the orange tanks they were stored in. This liquid was sprayed on the dense Vietnamese forests by means of aircrafts and helicopters, and its objective was to kill the …

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…should serve as an example to prevent future disasters and to teach human beings about how precious life really is. WORKS CITED Agent Orange and Related Issues. [online] Available, October 1997 Agent Orange- Overview and Introduction. [online] Available, June 6, 1999 Agent Orange Survey. [online] Available, June 6,1999 Brooks, Clark. Fatal Flaws. [online] Available, November 1, 1998