Age of the Universe

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The Age of the Universe INTRODUCTION: The goal of the project is to find the age of the universe according to the theory that there were equal amounts of the two uranium isotopes U235 and U238 at the time of the Big Bang. At present, there are 137.7 U238 atoms for each atom of U235. We know that the half-life of U235 is 0.71 billion years, and the half-life of U238 is 4.51 billion years, we used this …

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…will be resting in our grave when that day comes. References: Cowen, R., 1995, "Dating the Cosmos: Hubble Eyes Aging Stars," Science News, 148:151. Cowen, R., 1994, "Searching for Cosmology's Holy Grail: Hubble telescope joins a constant battle," Science News, 146:232-234. Torsell, David L. Associate Professor of Chemistry, Seattle University, 1999 George Mulfinger, Jr., ed., 1983, Design and Origins in Astronomy, Creation Research Society Books, Norcross, p. 15 for Sirius, p. 41 for redshift.