After the civil war...did the women of america get what they wanted or all their efforts were failed and unsuccessful?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
After the Civil War, we had new laws, reconstruction plan but most of all we forgot about the women's rights. The lives women living in the US changed dramatically. They faced continuing hardships. But this struggle against material deprivation eventually united women into a movement that won them legal rights, culminating in the 19th amendment. . During the war, feminists claimed, women had proven their political abilities and importance to the nation. After the war, they …

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…in ills and factories, producing textiles, clothing, food, and appliances. All those women who fought for women's suffrage and their rights were not heard half a century later in the 19th Amendment of the U.S constitution. It changed their lives and their status in our society. Women having more rights had a positive effect in our country. After those meetings and movements held the life of women in America would never be the same.