African Literature. Speaks of short stories such as 'In the Cutting of a Drink' ,'The Return', Chipasula's poem 'Those Rainy Mornings', Aidoo's 'In the Cutting of a Drink', 'The Return' by Ngugi wa

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Essay Database > Literature
The two short stories 'In the Cutting of a Drink' and 'The Return' bring different responses from me. 'In the Cutting of a Drink' makes me think about what it would be like to go into a new culture. It also makes me think about the decline in moral values now days. 'The Return' reminds me to be more thankful for the many things I take for granted. It also makes me think about how …

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…and my family. In the story 'In the Cutting of a Drink' I think about the decline in moral values these days. I also think about the what it would be like to go into a whole new culture. After reading the story 'The Return' I am more thankful for the things that I take for granted. The story also makes me think about change and how hard it can be to cope with change.