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Essay Database > History
generally, persons living in the western hemisphere who are descendants of Africans, especially black Africans. African immigration to the Americas may have begun before European exploration of the region. Blacks sailed with Christopher Columbus even on his first voyage in 1492, and the earliest Spanish and Portuguese explorers were likewise accompanied by blacks--Africans who had been born and reared in Iberia. In the following four centuries millions of immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa were brought to the …

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…a "double consciousness." He wrote, "One ever feels his two-ness--an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder." C.Ca., CLAYBORNE CARSON, M.A., Ph.D. For further information on this topic, see the Bibliography, sections 110. North American religion, 165. Internal migration, 209. Slavery, 210. Abolitionism, 662. American art, 695. Folk art, 1145. Blacks in the Americas, 1146. African American history, 1157. Reconstruction, 1174. Manhattan.