Afghan Soviet War

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
The Price of Freedom <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> <Tab/>In this day of time, freedom comes easy to most Americans because most have never known anything different. For millions of other people in the world it's far from that. On my birthday, January 1, 1983 Afghanistan was being invaded by the soviet army, lived under the Talaban terrorist regime, for decades, and …

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…Grau, Lester w., Gress, Michael A. The Soviet- Afghan War: How A <Tab/>Superpower Fought And Lost. Kansas: University Press, 2002. Robinson, Mark. The Cold War Museum. October 15, 2004, Http://<Tab/> <Tab/>Tamarov, Vladislav. Afghanistan:Soviet Vietnam. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1992. <Tab/>Zoya, Follain, John, and Cristofari, Rita. Zoya's Story. New York: Harper Collins, 2002.