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Essay Database > Literature > English
Monika Foster Political Science 1:50-3:05 Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan Beginning on September 27, 1996, an extremist militia group known as the Taliban seized control of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. Upon seizing control, the Taliban has instituted a system of gender apartheid, which has placed women into a state of virtual house arrest. Since that time the women and girls of Afghanistan have been stripped of all human rights including their voice, visibility and their mobility. The …

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…I sit and type this paper, women are being beaten and killed for no reason what so ever, except for the fact that they are female. I believe for once our nation needs to work quickly to help stop these brutal acts of human rights violations. People are urged to email the Secretary of State and the President to urge him to impose sanctions of the Taliban and not recognize their appalling form of government.