Affirmative Action:an unessary

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Affirmative Action: An Unnecessary Evil Affirmative action refers to the U.S. program set forth in the early 1970's to correct the effects of past discrimination by giving preferential treatment to women and ethnic minorities in the workplace. At the time of their induction, proponents of affirmative action programs felt that the only way to increase the number of minorities in the workplace was to establish a system of quotas to be maintained by law. …

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…and to acquire marketable skills should be available to everyone. The ignorance that allows for discrimination cannot be eliminated through legislation, only through education. Works Cited: Kahlenberg, Richard D. The Remedy. New York; BasicBooks, 1996. Roberts, Paul Craig., and Lawrence M. Stratton. The New Color Line. Washington, DC; Regnery Publishing, 1995. "The Most Bizarre Affirmative Action Abuse Yet." National Review Nov. 1995: n. pag. M., Marsha. "Untitled". Tidewater Community college. November 1998.