Affirmative Action1

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Affirmative Action: A Contradiction In Itself Affirmative action is a term of general application referring to government policies that directly or indirectly award jobs, admission to universities and professional schools, and other social goods and resources to individuals on the basis of membership in designated protected groups in order to compensate those groups for past discrimation caused by society as a whole. For political, as well as prudential reasons reflecting racial sensitivities, public justification of …

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…group can receive. Therefore, affirmative action discriminates against majority groups and contradicts it's whole purpose. Affirmative Action contradicts the traditional liberal principle that individuals have rights in respect to which they are entitled to be protected equally without regard to race or other irrelevant personal characteristics. The guarantee of these rights, where government acts upon individuals, establishes equality of opportunity. To deny an individual his or her rights or treat the individual differently because of