Affirmative Action in Education

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The policy of affirmative action in education will no longer be needed in the near future. In the past, however, legislators determined that in order to prevent racial discrimination affirmative action would be needed. Recent demographic studies indicate that the Caucasian race will steadily decrease as the present populations of minorities increase. Factors such as fewer white births, an influx of immigrants, and an increase in interracial marriage will play a major role in contributing …

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…but white Europe. (Beyond the Melting Pot 28) According to William Henry III, "The former majority will learn, as a normal part of everyday life, the meaning of the Latin slogan on the United States coins------E Pluribus Unum, one formed from many". For these reasons the policy of affirmative action in education will no longer be needed in the near future for the minorities of today, but will it be needed for the new Caucasian minorities-to-be?