Affirmative Action The real deal

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Necessity for Affirmative Action: During the American Revolution Thomas Jefferson and America's founding fathers struggled for freedom and equality. Years of agonizing battling took place, and finally emancipation was gained and America was formed. As a society we have grown to believe that America equals equality, when in fact it does not. When the declaration of independence was created only white male colonists were created equally. Over 224 years have gone by since our foundation …

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…discrimination, ignorance, and feelings of inferiority are widely spread throughout our country. For the preceding three reasons Affirmative Action is a necessity. Americans have been given rights, and those rights include being created and treated equally. It is the duty of the country to uphold that the rights of every citizen are being upheld. The country would do its citizens, including women, elderly, and minority groups a great disservice if the Affirmative Action program ended.