Affirmative Action: The Debate Rages On

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
In its thirty nine year history, affirmative action has been viewed as a milestone by supporters, and a millstone by opponents. Others regard it as both or neither -- as an essential, but deficient, cure for an intractable social disease. Established in 1965 by President Johnson, it was method of rectifying discrimination that had continued regardless of civil rights laws and constitutional promises. (Legal History) According a poll by the Public Agenda, 79% of Americans said it …

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…favor of minorities and women will be necessary to oppose the hundreds of years of affirmative action that has been intended for white males. (Affirmative Action Works) Work Cited "Ten Myths about Affirmative Action". UnderstandingPredjudice. March 5, 2004 <> Kivel, Paul. "Affirmative Action Works". InMotion Magazine. March 5, 2004. <> "Legal History". March 2, 2004. <>