Affirmative Action

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
INTRODUCTION Considering the subject of affirmative action the following questions frequently are raised: Is there a clear understanding of affirmative action roles/goals? What are the pros/cons of these programs? What are the "loop holes" in the system? Does seniority play a role in affirmative action? Addressing these key questions may help us all in our daily routine, as administrators and/or potential administrator in the public/private sector. Affirmative action programs throughout the …

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…Lester, Richard (1948). Manpower Planning in a Free Society. Washington, D.C. Foundation publishing. Loury, Glenn (1997). How to mend affirmative action. Public Interest (127), 33-45. Nye, David (1998) Affirmative action and the stigma of incompetence. The Academy of Management Executive, 12 (1), 88-92. Pasour, Ernest (1999). Affirmative Action: A Counter- Productive Policy. The Freeman, 3 (7), 23-32. Sklar, Holly (1995). Chaos or Community?: Seeking Solutions, Not Scapegoats for Bad Economics. Boston: South End Press. Tompkins, Jonathon (1995). Human Resource Management in Government New York: HarperCollins.