Affirmative Action

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Introduction Affirmative action works. There are thousands of examples of situations where people of color, white women, and working class women and men of all races who were previously excluded from jobs or educational opportunities, or were denied opportunities once admitted, have gained access through affirmative action. When these policies received executive branch and judicial support, vast numbers of people of color, white women and men have gained access they would not otherwise have had. …

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…to existing jobs, education and housing, but also removing the obstacles that cause them from obtaining their goals. Affirmative action is the best shot for people of color to achieve their dreams. Refernces Cyrus, Virginia. Experiencing Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. Second Edition. 1997. p. 122 Field, Hubert. (2001). Human Resources Selection. (Fifth Edition). Orlando, FL. Harcourt Inc. Sklar, Holly. Chaos or Community: Seeking Solutions Not Scapegoats for Bad Economics. Boston. South End Press. 1995. p. 115).