Affirmative Action 2

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The United States has come a long way since the ages of slavery in terms of racism. With the Civil rights movement in the 1960's and all of the other controversies about minorities the idea of Affirmative Action is often brought to attention. The term Affirmative Action is defined as a technique to remedy the effects of existing and past discrimination and to end such discrimination. (5) The purpose of such a program is for companies …

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…improve the employee to qualify for the employment position. The further the individual pursues education, the more knowledgeable that person will have, in turn making that individual seem more pleasing to hire as an employee. With the persistence of always trying to gain knowledge and better one's self will move up in the work world. The famous saying Once you're done learning you are done that saying holds ground in the entire Affirmative Action issue.