Affirmative Action - Racial Inequality

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
After many years of immigration, the United States has become a melting pot for people all over the world with a wide-range of races and ethnicities. Although American culture emphasizes diversity and equal opportunity, its unique history of immigration has shown that people of different races are not "created equal." The White race is dominating throughout all aspects of the American society. Fact: "White males are 33% of the population, but 80% of tenured professors, 90% of the …

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…David. Affirmative Action. San Diego: Greenhaven Press Inc, 1996. Yuen, Nicky Gonzalez. The Politics of Liberation. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1994. "Asian Americans have made it without affirmative action so why can't everyone else?" UC Davis HR Online FAQ. 14 March 2004 < a>. William, Mears. "Affirmative action case awaits Supreme Court review." 2002. 14 March 2004 <>.