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Essay Database > Literature > English
Doug Malek Latin 3 The Importance of Parent/Child Relationships in the Aeneid The importance of parent and child relationships is prevalent throughout the Aeneid. There are many different circumstances that stress the importance of these relationships. The most perceptible examples of this type of relationship are between Aeneas and his son Ascanius, and Aeneas and his father Anchises. However, this is not the only example, other less noticeable relationships, but still important: Aeneas and Venus, …

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…be with his son. The importance of familial relationships, especially between parent and child can be clearly seen in the Aeneid. Aeneas in his conduct toward Ascanius was certainly a model parent; he loved him, cherished him, and protected him; he unselfishly gave up his own plans and desires in order that Ascanius might fulfill his destiny(Davis 2). Venus also fulfilled her role as a model parent, protecting Aeneas and the Trojans throughout the epic.