Advertising can tell a lot about a country

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Basically, advertising is the voice of the market in a particular country, the voice of its' business and therefore the mirror of its' current life. From catalogs or advertisement boarding in the street till films in the television people see how they can live and correct their life in that direction. Add here the main idea of playing mostly emotions instead of 'technical characteristics' of a product and we'll see how strong advertising affects people's …

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…one example when I could clearly understand the culture difference between the ad-producers from different countries. In the advertising films from Vietnam the image of a woman cooking is always appeared (by the way just like in our ad-films) while in other western countries, the image of a man cooking is very normal. That can make us think about advantages and disadvantages of "global feminization" but this are going to be the very other story.