Advertising - What's The Point?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
based on fall 1996 Asics shoe ad - Advertising is the number one way to let the public know that a product is on the market. People and companies advertise everything from toothbrushes to two week vacations. Buying, selling, and trading are what keeps the free market system in America flourishing. Americans have the freedom to buy almost anything as long as they hear about it and decide that they want the product. Advertisements are everywhere. …

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…a companies profits. Therefore the only true method of testing the success of an ad is to see weather or not the profits increased. Advertisers attempt to directly inform consumers through their ads. The ad is trying to sell a product. In order to achieve the goal of increasing profits the advertiser creates an ad that will be attractive and send a message to the reader so that the consumer will then buy the product.