Advertisements are used to persuade and encourage a target audience: Explain with reference to 1 or more print advertisements

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Advertisements are used to persuade and encourage a target audience into purchasing a particular good or service. This is done through many techniques and conventions. Advertisements are used to arouse emotions and feelings of a particular audience, either gaining or discouraging them into purchasing that good or service. The advertisement for Fisher and Paykel's intuitive washing machine is persuading both men and women who preferably have families to purchase the product. This is done through …

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…and women, and conveys them in two separate ways. In some aspects of the advertisement it reflects and reinforces the fact that men are lazy, and women are housewives. It maybe even infer the traditional, men are hunters and women are gatherers. The power of advertising through words and pictures creates an image in the eyes of the beholder. That image determines how well the product will sell and to which gender of the market.