Advantages of Bilingual Children.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
"Bilingualism is to intelligence as food is to human fitness....A simple statement about bilingualism and intelligence is as impossible as prescribing one simple food for human survival" (Baker 1). For 30 years experts have had ongoing discussions concerning the bilingual child and his mental abilities relating to intelligence and education. Originally, experts believed that a bilingual person could not be an intellectual, since he/she was carrying two or more languages in their head. Consensus has …

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…Performance of Bilingual Children: The Influence of Condition, Category, and Language." Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 45 (Oct. 2002): 938-47. Pena, Elizabeth D., Lisa M. Bedore, and Christina Rappazzo. "Comparison or Spanish, English, and Bilingual Children's Performance Across Semantic Tasks." Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 34 (Jan. 2003): 5-16. Rosenberg, Marsha. "Raising Bilingual Children." The Ambassador, The American School in Japan Alumni & Community Magazine Spring 1996. 19 Jun. 2003 <http//>