Advantages and Disadvantages of Refugee Movements to both Recieving and Losing Countries

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Mass population movements were a major feature of the 20th century; armed conflicts have increasingly targeted civilians and led to enforced migration. No area of the world has been spared - from Indonesia to Sierra Leone, Bosnia to Nicaragua - forming groups of people that we now called Refugees. A Refugee is someone who has fled his or her country because he or she fears persecution based on race, religion, nationality, social group, or political …

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…may also earn more money and have a higher standard of living - stable employment with a salary meeting new people and broadening their cultural understanding. Germany has dominated the list of receiving countries over the last decade, in 1992 receiving 438,000 applicants; the fall to 127,000 in 1994 was mainly a result of the new asylum law which came into operation in the middle of 1993. The 1997 figure of 104,300 represented the smallest number since 1989. (Figures from sights indicated above)