Adolphus Hitler Biography for a book report about "The Life And Death Of Adolf Hitler" By James Cross Giblin

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Book Report "The Life And Death Of Adolf Hitler" By James Cross Giblin Book Report By Armen Melidonian As a child, Adophus Hitler was remembered, by his teachers, as "a thin, pale youth". At the age of a child, such an appearance was accompanied by an unwilling, non-ambitious mind, at least, in the case of classwork. You see, in most of the classes Adolf had [in later years of school {at Realschule}], he had either …

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…quite good at drawing comical expressions of people and, at some times, I may also enjoy drawing scenery. Drawing is sort of a skill I practice for doing well in my other, more important hobby. Anyway, even though I can't compare as well to the fact that he enjoyed more of scenic art and other types of language/literature, I guess, in some way that we both enjoy the arts would be a fair comparison.