Adolf Hitlers life

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Adolf Hitler was born on the 20th of April 1889. He was the fourth child of a fifty two year old man named Alois Schickelgruber and a young lady named Klara Poelzl, in Braunau, Austria. He was an angry, unhappy, lazy and moody child who didn't like his father because of his strict ways. His father died in the year of 1903 and Adolf's mother who he loved dearly died in the year of 1907 from the cause …

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…and took over most of Europe except the countries Britain, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and Portugal. Then on the 11th of December 1941 the Nazi's declared war on U.S.A this was World War Two. This was the same day that Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. In the end the Allies won in the year of 1945. On April 30th 1945 after World War Two Adolf Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself as the Soviet Troops take over Berlin.