Adolf Hitler and his Dictatorship

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
In order to truly understand Hitler's nature and personality one has to also focus on the time before his dictatorship, his family life and youthhood. He was born into a fairly wealthy Austrian family on April 20 1889. His father, Alois, was a customs officer earning 100 pounds per year. His mother, Klara, had five children in total but only Adolf and his sister Paula survived. When Hitler was about six, Alois bought a house and some land …

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…mistakes, and he did not want to be corrected by anyone. This lead to numerous amount of tactial mistakes like the invasion of Russia during early winter. I believe Hitler was so succesful at the time because Germany was in need for a leader to gain feelings of National pride again. Without the First World War and the harsh conditions of the Treaty, I do not think he would have proved to be that popular.