Adolf Hitler, The Leader

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
What were the motivating factors in Hitler's early life to prompt him to become a leader? Adolph Hitler, the 20th centuries most influential leader? Since the end of the Second World War, Hitler and his Nazi party's' ideas and politics have been widely deplored by the majority of the world as barbaric fascism, which must never be allowed to happen again. However, it can be argued that Hitler accomplished some remarkable achievements, purely due to …

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…a speaker to make this work for him as a leadership tool. After the First World War, a favourable social and political environment in Germany also helped pave the way for a strong outspoken champion to seduce a sizeable proportion of the disaffected German population into voting for an extreme right wing leader, such as Hitler. Whatever his background and motivations, Adolf Hitler will certainly be remembered as one of the Worlds most influential Leaders.