Adolf Hitler

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Adolf Hitler Research Assignment 1.10 facts about Hilter Personality's: Obsessed by hatred of Jews A demanding leader Reveage on the Jews A uniquely figure Revolutionist Discriminating Sucessful Threatening Moody Genius 2. 10 facts about Hitler's childhood and rise power: Half-educated After his mother's death moved to Vienna Spoiled child Son of an Austrian petty customs official His political carer began in 1919 Austrian-born He learned to loathe Untrained for any trade He became member No.7 of the midget German …

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…appear to glorfiy Hitler's accomplishment or critize them? The article appears to critize Hitler's accomplishments because of the crude/harsh things he did to achieve power during the WWII. He prosecuted many innocent civilians because of the background and appearance. But mostly he brought out his anger on the Jewish people because of their victory over Germany in WWII. The article is showing how Hitler should be seen as and remembered as a ruthless dictator.