Adolescent Pregnancy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Many parents around the world, not only in Texas, are raising teenagers. Lately, there has been a tendency for teenagers between the ages of 15-17 giving birth to children even though they are still children themselves. Travis, Bexar, and Potter are some of the counties with the highest rate of pregnancy among teenage girls. According to Chris Newton's research, there is an estimated 72 pregnancies to every 1000 girls in Potter County. Travis County has an estimated 46 …

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…issue that is discussed with veracity. Many Americans believe that it is not an important issue; however it changes when it is that person's child giving birth at fourteen years old. Everyone knows the saying "It will never happen to me." Well it does, it happens everyday. Adolescent pregnancy has changed the way society values a child being born into the world. It will continue to change society's morals, as children give birth to children.