Adolescent Development

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The movie "Thirteen" is a perfect example of how a young thirteen year old girl named Tracy goes through identity crisis as proposed in Erik Erikson's adolescent developmental stage identity verses identity confusion. The main characters in this movie are Tracy, Evie (Tracy's best friend), Mel (Tracy's mother), and Brady (Tracy's brother). Quotes from the official website of "Thirteen" really set the tone for the entire movie. Some of the quotes were: <Tab/&…

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…exploration in this negative role is not who she wants to be. The end scene of the movie is of Tracy screaming. This to me shows that in the path that she chose to explore, her attempt to find out who she is and what she's going to be ended in complete failure. Tracy realizes that the struggle to find her identity isn't over, and only more paths to explore and search are to follow.