"Admiration", it is a diagnostic essay about a person I admire. I received great comments from the teacher.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
ADMIRATION There are many people that I admire, but none more than my father. Despite the many hardships he survived, my father remains a positive influence in my life. During his childhood, my father overcame many obstacles. He has always been supportive of me, and taught me the importance of strong family values and success. We all have obstacles when we are growing up, but my father had more than most people. He had an …

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…sibling, a grandparent, an aunt, or an uncle. this person can teach you many things in life. That is what my father did for me, and he continues to do that every time I see him. I know that every time my father comes to visit, he will provide me with more advice, a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to hug. It is for these many reasons that I admire my father so.