Administering different antibiotics to Streptococcus salivarius will prohibit growth at different rates.
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
This investigation was completed as a partial requirement for the Honors Biology course of Franklin High School in Franklin, Pennsylvania during the 2003-2004 school year. The investigation was conducted to prove the following hypothesis: Administering different antibiotics to Streptococcus salivarius will prohibit growth at different rates.
Antibiotics are substances produced by living organisms that inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Bacteria manufacture substances to inhibit or kill other microbes. Stated in Antibiotics and Disinfectants, "some antibiotics
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millions of lives and made illnesses that were at one time unbearable not so difficult to deal with anymore. But with these immeasurable advantages, there downfalls as well. People must handle these drugs with care or in a very short time they will no longer be of any use. For the world of medicine to continue advancing at such a fast pace, drugs and technology may no longer be taken for granted and used recklessly.
millions of lives and made illnesses that were at one time unbearable not so difficult to deal with anymore. But with these immeasurable advantages, there downfalls as well. People must handle these drugs with care or in a very short time they will no longer be of any use. For the world of medicine to continue advancing at such a fast pace, drugs and technology may no longer be taken for granted and used recklessly.