Addressing the issue of self Esteem.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
I chose the ongoing issue about of esteem. It is an issue that affects millions of teens and even adults. The article elaborates on ways to simply improve your self esteem. It mentions that people unconsciously lower there self esteem. By recognizing that we do this we can improve our selves be reversing the thoughts that lower our self esteem. The article includes ten ways too heighten your self-esteem Firstly do not compare yourself to …

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…will improve self esteem. Finally contribute in activities that you enjoy. Not only does this relieve stress but It always will make you happier and isn't happiness a major part of self esteem. This article emphasizes to take action. If you do nothing to improve your self esteem then it won't improve. Life is too short to go through it with your chin down. Every one is their own identity and we should celebrate that.