Addiction vs. Obsession

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Essay Database > Literature > English
I have chosen these two words because I feel that many people tend to mistake the words for each other, having the same definition or connecting each other by saying they are synonyms. When a person is constantly uses drugs because they just can't get enough of it, would you say the person is addicted or obsessed? When a person is in love with a rock star, cutting all the pictures out of a magazine …

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…to exhaust the subject where as you can distinctively tell the difference between addiction and obsession. People tend to give the generalization that the owrds both mean to "want", to "desire", touse or do constantly. The present is almost the same, the results are completely different. Addiction will leave someone ill; obsession will not. Many people have a tendency to overlook the difference between the two words. I, on the other hand, have chosen otherwise.