Adair Lara and "Who's Cheap?".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Adair Lara writes, Who's Cheap? This story is about a young woman who has a boyfriend who is as cheap as dirt. He never offers to pay for anything whenever they go out. And when he does pay for anything, he makes sure she takes care of the next tab. She doesn't know if she should get rid of him or try and work things out. Maybe he might change. She knows most people would …

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…this cheap man in an act and will see what excuse he will come up with now. So when Adair Lara talks about how women should pay and it is the year 2003 we should all get treated equal. Maybe Adair Lara feels like women are cheap and do pay for a lot of things we do but I wanted to share to her that there is some men out there who don't want to pay.