Actions and contributions of Andrew Carnegie and Upton Sinclair

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Artem Ilyayev #4 <Tab/>During the course of U.S history, the actions and contributions of certain individuals have had an enormous impact upon American society. Andrew Carnegie, Upton Sinclair and are a few individuals that had a profound affect on the past and the present. Even though each individual had his or her own goals and ambitions, their life efforts are worth remembering. <Tab/>During the late …

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…Andrew Carnegie, Upton Sinclair, and Jonas Salk were three influential individuals who had an enormous impact upon American society. Their life efforts and contributions are worth remember and praising for they have helped humankind improve. The accomplishments of these "heros" have also inspired future generation to further continue their life's work and ideals. <Tab/>With this progressive process undergoing, eventually are society will become an Utopia. <Tab/>