Act one Hamlet discussion : in-class writing on theme of Appearance VS reality.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
my teacher did not grade this in-class essay, so there will be a lot of minor or major errors as you read this. In Act I, Hamlet frequently says words that have double meanings. Apparent meanings seem only to fulfill the question asked; however, when looking close to the words, we can find the real meanings. These real meanings portray Hamlet's sophisticated mind and Hamlet's emotion towards the listener. Hamlet's figurative words reveal his opposition …

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…puns and double meaning words, Hamlet says such things that ordinary people will not think of. His speeches reveal not only his anger or his revenge towards the King and Queen but characterize Hamlet as brave, clever and sometimes fragile. He shares private thoughts in brief remarks to himself (asides) and longer speeches alone (soliloquies). His appearance as portrayed may seem as one thing, but the reality of his life and his mind is different.