Act 3 Scene 1 is a Major Turning Point in the Play "Romeo and Juliet"

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The reason behind why Act 3 Scene 1 is a major turning point is mainly because it alters the course of events and changes an entirely new route of the play, a death of two major characters. Structurally, this particular scene is in the middle of the play, but more importantly, there is a dramatic change in the atmosphere. Because of Romeo's change of attitude and his exile, the romantic love of Romeo and Juliet clashes and …

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…despair of not being together after their secret marriage. It also generated huge desperation and an even stronger bond between Romeo and Juliet. This had made Juliet turn her determination to be with Romeo to Friar Lawrence. Friar's plan did not succeed. The play ended with both the death of Romeo and Juliet. Act 3 Scene 1 is a major turning point because it had converted a normal and peaceful life into a tragic and sorrowful ending.