Acquaintance/Date Rape

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Acquaintance/Date Rape In the American Society, we are seeing more and more of criminal situations being reported and defined as Acquaintance/Date rape. While no one wants to admit it, overall our society does not believe the horror stories of Acquaintance/Date rape victims. The reason that Acquaintance /Date rape is so hard to identify as a crime, is the questionable extent that one took to commit the crime and what if anything did …

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…men and women on either side do not realize that the sexual act that they encountered may be considered rape. No one deserves to be raped and women do not ask in any form or fashion to be raped. The most important thing that our society needs to realize is that when a woman says NO, (no matter what has happened already) from that point on the sexual activity is considered some form of rape.